June, 2024


1h 18m


🌛 Started playing at midnight.

I'm starting to fall in love with this game! This is already potentially god-like game this year!

✅ Boss Rush mode beaten
Difficulty: Normal
🪙 = 1CC

🟢 Character specific clear on Boss Rush mode (Normal difficulty):
❌ Suisei
✅ Nitro Gryce 🪙
✅ Flora Gryce 🪙
❌ Fio Bro
❌ Yozuki
❌ Hajime Utsuro
❌ Sirius Triangle
❌ Wadatsumi Bluelevia
Secret #1
Secret #2


May, 2024


2h 24m


Started playing.

I tried to get this game work on Linux desktop PC, but it's not working. Odd how this game worked on Steam Deck. Perhaps it's CPU or GPU related?

UPDATE: (5/24)
I found a fix for the Linux desktop PC. I had to add one launch option: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -vanillaGFX

🪙 Reboot mode - 1CC - Easy difficulty

I'm going after normal 1CC next both on Reboot and Retro modes.


December, 2023


2h 31m


Spy Bros. mode beaten

When I first load up the game while offline, I thought it was a game crashing bug. But no, it's always-online due to Steam client requirement, whether it's intended or just bugged. Boo! Bloody hidden DRM despite no warning on game's page. Why can't we play it offline like we had with the Switch version? Why the developers and publishers not aware of this Steam client related issue? This sucks.

I'll attempt to do 1CC later. I'm currently playing Spy Sis. mode.

On hiatus


May, 2013